Do you have “active” Lyme disease? Donate plasma earn $$ and help others! Call today and learn more.

Have you recently been diagnosed with “active” (acute) Lyme disease?  Do you want to help others?  We have a unique plasma donation program just for you.  Your plasma is needed for further research by researchers and diagnostic companies to research the disease as well as to manufacture your plasma into the controls for test kits to diagnose others.

Participants will donate plasma which is very similar to donating blood like at a red cross but you can do this twice in a 7 day period because you get your red blood cells back thru this process/procedure.  If you qualify you will be compensated $500 each time you donate and all/any travel related expenses are pre-paid by us so you can participate at no cost to you.

To learn more visit us at or call us at 800-510-4003 to speak to an agent today about the program.

Basic Qualifications:

  1. Must have, or have access to your Lyme disease blood work (test results)
  2. Must be 18-65 years in age and weigh at least 110 pounds or more
  3. Must be HIV/HCV & HBV Negative